Controlling should provide you with the necessary tools that, through systematic planning and controls, enable you to reach your company’s defined goals.
Under Controlling, we include all functions that are designed to deliver the pre-requisites for management decisions.

External Controlling.
Together with you, we analyze the weaknesses and potential improvements with your current business assessment. We develop an efficient reporting process with which you can steer your company. Our goal is to implement an appropriate and effective reporting function that is capable of adjusting itself to changes within your organization.

Internal Controlling
You want to implement and maintain monthly reporting, but the volume of work is insufficient to create a new position? We can assume responsibility for these tasks whilst working at your location.

We provide consultancy…

bullet in the organization of meaningful reporting
bullet in the implementation of a systematic business plan
bullet in drawing the right conclusions from the current status analysis
bullet in developing effective controlling instruments
bullet in the adaptation of business processes
bullet in cost accounting (preliminary, intermediate and final)
bullet in investment appraisals
bullet in the creation of reporting packages for foreign holding companies.

We offer client-specific solutions for profit-center oriented business controlling.